FILL MELODY EXERCISE #1: 8th Note Rests Pt 1

Transcription here

This is a full length Melodic Fill playthrough with an intermediate level voicing, 

Once you've settled on a voicing for your melody and fill-ins, we run through a series of melodic exercises.  Beginning with 8th note rests.  

If these exercises are too advanced for you, start with the exercises in Ted Reeds book "Progressive Steps to Syncopation." Specifically Lesson 4 from the book.  Ted Reed's book is invaluable for drummers of all skills levels, you should purchase a copy for yourself and a friend immediately.

No matter how you voice this fill, your focus should be on the Melody not the Fill-ins.  You'll notice that this style of playing is 'catchier' and 'more melodic' than simply running patterns - because music is more than just patterns.  

Go slow, strive for flow, not speed.  Happy shedding!

The Drummer Brain