Pattern Exercise: Syncopation Lesson 14
Video 1 of Pattern Excercises: Syncopation Lesson 14
This is a pattern exercise based off of the exercises found in Ted Reed's book: "Progressive Steps to Syncopation." I'd highly recommend purchasing Ted's book and working through it as well!
The first part of Reed's book starts with a series of 'Grids' with varying rhythmic subdivisions - the smallest subdivision Reed's book reaches is 16th note, which are actually about the second or third LARGEST subdivision in most modern drumming.
The Drummer Brain Pattern Exercises BEGIN with sixteenth notes and eighth note triplets (Lesson 13) and up to 32nd notes and 32nd note triplets. Lesson 14 tends to be the place most students start, 16th notes vs. 16th note triplets.
We begin by moving our hands around the kit in a quarter note motion - that just means your hands change drums every quarter note. Mastering this motion will be essential before you can start to add more voicing variations to this pattern.
Happy practicing!