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Let's start to get into some of the more advanced variations you can apply to the lessons found in "Groove Exercises for the Drumset." (available at )

We're starting with 32nd Note grooves - 32nd Notes are used a lot in modern drumming, especially in hip-hop, fusion, jazz and metal. You need to integrate them into your vocabulary if you're going to hang with any 'advanced' level of music.

That said, you should treat 32nd notes (and ALL advanced concepts) like a seasoning - to be used in moderation - too much salt will ruin your whole dish, too many fast crazy notes will ruin your groove. MODERATION is always the key, and that comes from experience and listening to other musicians.

Lets get into the exercises: we start with 32nd notes as alternates on our hat, then we move to doubles, inverted doubles and paradiddles. Every sticking has a different feel and a different sound, so explore each one patiently.

A thorough study would mean going back to Lesson 1 and playing every variation through to Lesson 7 - that's A LOT of exercises to play - advanced players may want to skip straight to Lessons 6 and 7. Whatever you do, GO SLOW and focus on lining up your notes.

You should start filling your ears with these subdivisions too - check out some of the masters: Vinnie, Dave Weckl, Dennis Chambers, Tony Williams and the modern day pioneers: Eric Moore, Wotjek Deregowski, Justin Brown, Justin Scott - 32nd notes are a huge part of their vocab!

Happy Drums to You!