Posts tagged microfills
MICROFILLS PART 2 - Volume 1 available now in the store!

Now available in the store: Microfills Vol 1 We continue our exploration of microfills.

A quick recap: Microfills are sending a small fill through a groove - also known as permutating - the result is a (hopefully) seamless flow.

For an in depth dive into this concept, you can purchase this lesson book in the store now.

Volume 1 is an introduction to the concept, using only 4 notes: 2 kicks and two hands, but obviously this concept can be made much more advanced with a little modification. Try odd figures and odd times, or triplet figures through straight 32nd note grooves. As always, go slow and focus on flow, dynamics and feel. Happy shedding to you!

New Lesson Packs: Kick Workouts and Microfills!

Lots of new lessons in the store - including 4 new kick workouts and the long awaited Microfills. All items are on sale too, keep coming back to see more full length playthroughs of all lessons.

Here’s Lesson 1 from the book Kick Workouts Vol 1: Unisons. In this book we focus on lining up notes between our hands and feet in different subdivisions. It’s critical that you are able to have clean unison notes in order to make your grooves feel clean yet they’re one of the last things drummers focus on in the shed. We all work on substitutions and basic groove playing, but zooming in on playing notes right on top of each other will shed light on many beginner (and even intermediate/advanced) players’ weaknesses.

Go Slow. Focus on Flow and Dynamics. Speed isn’t the goal, control is.

Happy drums to you all!




Moving a small fill (RLKK) through a groove - in this exercise our groove is built from 32nd notes, but you can use any subdivision you like. We're permutating our microfill by 32nd notes, obviously we've got to skip over the snare on beat 2, otherwise our groove feel would be lost.

As always: Go Slow. Strive for Flow - not speed.

Once you're comfortable, start making combos - we will cycle through all 4 inversions of this fill in the next 3 videos.

Happy Drums to you

PATTERN EXERCISE: Syncopation Lesson 14 - Microfill Voicing

Part 6 of a Fill Pattern series exploring Syncopation Lesson 14

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

Everyone's favorite: Microfills. First you need to set a base, in Syncopation Lesson 14 our base is 16th notes, which we play as an alternate sticking groove.

The permutating figure (the notes in red) is our Microfill - you may need to start with just one voicing for your microfill, but eventually you should modify your voicing for beats 1&3 and 2&4 - keeping a snare on the 2s and 4s will keep the groove going.

Once you're comfortable with the basics, modify and experiment - this is where the rubber meets the road for a lot of modern drumming, so dig in to this voicing.

Full transcription here